Info : Online College Classes
everyone today
video is going to be a common honored something that a lot of people on you
keep your day and I now
and that's it back to school special school starts next month in on this
and depending on where you live and a concert really soon or like nine doesn't
start till the 22nd
so some people arguing I outfitted today are back to school fashion
how do you organize for school my maybe something a little bit different and
it's way easier now if you're planning on taking it
taking an online college courses there's a lot of people each day is it that
I designed to deal online courses instead go into the comment
campus and I am one of those people I am taking
online classes for the past two semesters and I it will be taking online
coming up in the fall and and I have one
can't discuss now let's look at it 47 and I don't know
how many and area and yes out there that have taken on courses and I'm sure that
there's probably a lot that happen and you guys
don't know what to expect so this is a list eight things that you need to know
before you take an online course
so it's the end it an immense be looking down because I have my little Saxo
the first one is it you are not good with computers
don't take an online class and know this probably sounds like common sense isn't
people but
says some people it's not so it you
I'm not computer literate you might want it
kind and second bank and take an online course PK
it requires you 10 no commuters and
hell even know how to now be a trail you don't know everything about computers
because I don't
but you need to be a computer literate cell
the picket line is get a near a computer or and your laptop if you haven't
if you have a Windows 1995
computer I mean one you need
in your computer the computer I uses it is she the laptop and I got it in
January and
this here cell it on your laptop
on and that his enemies because you're gonna need to run come quickly and it
to be able to download from the assignment alright actually spends on
this finance
you hack you and download certain programs and they want download with
a it all day or so. or computer cell
if you're in the market I would you consider
a rat brain your computer or laptop or just find a complete
anyone its gonna pay off it and upgrade my
if you are not a fast learner John taken on my
forest online courses that they say it that Bayer
and are easier or you can do it a rampage that's not true
and you don't know at your own pace
hewlett maybe you can go at your own pace throughout the week
they it's not likely to get oliver sign in to the beginning at this semester and
you have until whenever determined that's not the case
you go week by week and you have to give up with their site
cell if you're not a fast learner
you might go ahead and go to campus
where you can have that one on one interaction with the professor
nash's my opinion I don't have a problem
with taking online courses I like them better cell that is kinda like a first
look at you
43 if you are a broke ass in a tard
don't K an online class that is probably the biggest one
how to my list I promise you made that number one but
here for half a day you're probably in a fail
online classes I'm saying the onset AB you cannot wait until the last minute
PA refunded I mean what if your computer crashes wet here
computer games and I didn't mean you cannot wait new battery dies and you
know I'm
anyway in your computer at the professors
don't care what you actually said it doesn't matter
I had a professor in a summer that legally yes it is we open at the chorus
and for the first time a comment came up and said
you have even scheduled over it eight-week course favorite vacation
don't care what is you go ahead drop this court right now because
I don't care let excuses floral a hammock I don't accept it
it doesn't matter if they don't care if your grandma 1992 at 848
it doesn't matter cell here perhaps minor
don't AP is an i know im might seem and I like a little bit better to take an
online course
for programs hans padi to class every day be hectic probably keep up wit your
war with on my class than menu at a rate
that that is if school is important to you
don't take an online class 2001 and that your top five priorities are your top
three hours the top three priorities
a disguise national procrastinator thing
schools not important you're not in your home mark and
yes hearing into the mindset
if you don't have to class and you don't have to your work and that's not the
online course cell its cool is number and you are everything
back and you might actually need like the actual page
together to campus not my view wiki need to succeed in school
and you're not getting it back from an online class
and a 6-1 is
in the beginning when you sign up for an online class
your classes open until actual first day of school
and you have to go real dinner or alive the time if it's your first
here jeffers online course you can do a national
tutorial and I would suggest to get this tutorial
EPS estimate we use at my school it called blackboard
and they actually had a whole lot more tutorial for people
that had never taken online classes book an hour just to be attacked
and whenever you sign up for that course is
your teachers will give you ago your first look at what time it would be a
few hours or
tutorials judas it or else it will help you our
United no where did you check your grades R rated checkers I mentor
you had it does it is specially bred here it is so outrageous
if those and the seventh one
is I encounter and use it every saying look
day I have windows giant calendars and
actually nevermind refrigerator right now and I am every single day and
there's something written in a slot for it
every single day right Irish Finance down
you'll get a syllabus when a recent class
right every single assignment downright colony discussion board today because
that can help you
especially yeah but the month last
now was and when and my name
places where I didn't keep up is because I didn't have this calendar at the store
and this summer
and hit at it two summer classes and twice as fast in a sec
and it was so hard to keep up with the day it's so definitely a count on you
every day it's helped me
so much at that and
the a plan is just if you don't understand sending ask your professor
ask other students he doesn't have that face to face contact
say you're not going to get back in value professor oh and now another
said I've made friends with people that I had
and classes with me actually got together and worked on our time outta
class it wasn't required that we went ahead and did it
so if you can understand that they ask day don't mind and two questions for you
because they know that you know I had a face to face contact
and decide if you don't ask I mean you can do all wrong
and like I said they don't care where she says they don't care why
your time is turning wrong they're gonna ask you why didn't you ask
you did ship design itself that is my short list of things that you
is now an hour take an online course if you consider
get I like on questions better because I don't activity and this and
to some extent I do it to work at my own pace
and it's really easy you dare sign it
I S N MAIN I ended due on Monday say you know what to expect every single week
and you got any questions or if you want to know what classes I
to I've taken four so far fewer no bizarre
it made their pit now in the comment section or you can box Mia
on first night YouTube account so I helping have you guys
never that I debating whether or not to take on
it is a very good question just let me know thanks guys ( Online College Classes )
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online colleges online schools: Online College Classes
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Online College Classes
Online College Classes
Description : Info : Online College Classes everyone today video is going to be a common honored something that a lot of people on you keep your day and ...
Rating : 5 CA California Located at
Description : Info : Online College Classes everyone today video is going to be a common honored something that a lot of people on you keep your day and ...
Rating : 5 CA California Located at
123 Main St
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